The “Economy influencer” could end in the gallows (and the generative AI will be its executioner)
Until the end of 2024 we could still proclaim the four winds (and without fear of making mistakes) that social networks were populated platforms especially and above all by people of flesh and blood. However, after 2025 has raised the curtain this statement is, however, much more questionable. And is that The emergence of generative the AI programs such as Sora (OpenAi) or see (Google) could end up making humans totally redundant in the lucrative “influencer economy.”
Although its reach is still limited, virtual influencers are on the crest of the wave and are increasingly ubiquitous. And if Its overwhelming influence is not even greater is because its “look & feel” is still permeated by a thick artificiality patina. It is still possible to distinguish virtual influencer from flesh and blood influencers.
However, This could change very soon with the mass launch of video tools like Sora and I see. The initial tests with both tools show that Sora and I see generate videos where people who are absolutely indistinguishable from people of flesh and blood parade. And if the entrails of these programs emerge convincing and potentially attractive characters for the public, it will be possible to produce content with them as large -scale protagonists and without being at the mercy of any type of limit.
In 2025 the number of “low cost” celebrities born of the belly of AI will increase significantly because technological advances will print such celebrities an absolutely epatanizing realism. Why recruit George Clooney and pay huge sums of money to drink coffee in front of the camera if a virtual clone of the famous American actor can do the same at the bargain price?, Asks Santiago Campillo-Lundbeck in an article horizon.
Will it be the influencers of flesh and bone condemned to the most absolute irrelevance because of the generative AI?
From the point of view of advertisers, this is not necessarily bad news. Instead of undertaking a search as strenuous as the most appropriate influencer, to which there is necessarily for each of its appearances, In the future the brands will be in position of designing at will to the (virtual) ambassador for their advertising campaigns. And what is better, that type of influencer will have no problem when working 24/7 and will not be at the mercy of diseases or other personal problems that could eventually interpose in their work.
If the virtual influencers dynamite the “Economy influencer” as we know it, we must be prepared, yes, for social networks they are filled to the flag of content generated by AI. And since flesh and blood influencers will not be able to compete unfortunately with the speed in content production and the tiny cost structure of their virtual counterparts, could become invisible in the platforms where they were an unoque once with fame.
It should be remembered that for algorithms (governed by AI) of social networks the publication frequency is very closely related to visibility in such channels, so that Flesh and bone influencers could end metamorphicing in a small virtually invisible minority on platforms 2.0 (As much as these quality content channels nourish), remember Campillo-Lundbeck.
It would not be in any case the first time that a communication channel to the soon valuable boat becomes a kind of landfill. Before spam entry, email was a very useful tool for communication. And the “Newsletters” were also a fascinating tool that offered a kind of forum to small specialized communities. Everything changed, however, when advertisers flooded useless “newsletters” the email users.
Today, and although social networks are prodigal in banal and superficial content, it is still possible to find truly valuable information and opportunities for human connection in these channels. However, Due to the logic of algorithms (vitaminades with AI) that carry the singing voice on social networksoften becomes complicated to find valuable content in such channels. With tools such as Sora and I see the generative AI could enter Tromba on social networks and its irruption could cause the death of the “Economy influencer” as we know it today, concludes Campillo-Lundbeck.
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