Instagram pulls out its checkbook to woo TikTok creators: it offers them up to $50,000
In a period of just a few days, TikTok has died, has been resurrected and is now facing another eventual death in the United States if it does not agree (now) to divest itself of its business in the North American country. ByteDance, the subsidiary of the social network, has a period of approximately two and a half months to find a buyer across the seas. Otherwise, there will predictably be another “blackout” of the famous social network from China in the United States. On the other side of the pond, TikTok is fighting not only for its own survival, but is also being confronted with fierce rivals who, taking advantage of the situation, are trying to steal from its main creators.. Among those rivals is Instagram, which would be tempting TikTok creators with succulent emoluments to move to its platform and publish Reels.
According to The InformationInstagram has reportedly been actively courting creators with millions of followers on TikTok, many of whom were originally anointed with fame at the ByteDance subsidiary. The Meta social network would be offering creators assigned to the TikTok universe incentives of between $10,000 and $50,000 per month to prioritize publishing content on Reels.
The agreement that Instagram would be offering to TikTok creators would include a period of exclusivityunder which creators must first publish their videos on the Meta social network and must wait between one and several months before also distributing those videos on other platforms.
It seems, therefore, that Instagram would be using its checkbook to stock up on exclusive content signed by some of TikTok’s brightest stars. and convince your followers to also move to your domains. The social network is clearly taking advantage of the uncertainty currently swirling around the future of TikTok in the United States to snatch some of its most prominent creators from the ByteDance social network.
Instagram has TikTok (and its creators) in its sights
For many creators, TikTok is today their main means of livelihood and if this were to definitively lower the curtain in the United States, the consequences would be absolutely dramatic for them. All the more reason for some to be considering migrating to other platforms and it is evident that Instagram is more than willing to welcome them with open arms.
Meta is seducing, however, not only big fish in the influencer marketing universe but also small creators, relying on the program to do so. «Breakthrough Bonus Program». Creators who are admitted to this program will be compensated with $5,000 during their first 90 days on Instagram and Facebook (as long as they comply, of course, with a series of requirements).
Participants in this program are required to upload at least 20 Reels on Facebook and 10 Reels on Instagram each month on at least 10 different dates. In addition, the content uploaded to these platforms must be original and it will not be possible to upload videos that have previously seen the light of day on other social networks.
The “Breakthrough Bonus Program” is not, however, open to everyone. And only those created that are 100% new to Facebook and Instagram will be able to benefit from their economic incentives. In addition, Meta will review the applications of the candidates one by one, who could be left out even if they quickly meet all the requirements.
In recent days, precisely when TikTok was on the tightrope on the other side of the pond, Instagram has also presented a new video editing application, Editswhich is clearly seen in the mirror of CapCut, an app that belongs, like TikTok, to the ByteDance constellation. The Meta social network has also extended the duration of the Reels to 3 minutes and has also changed the design of its “feed”, where the content is displayed in a rectangular format instead of a square format in what seems like a wink ( in no way disguised) to TikTok.
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